Acacias (Printemps)

Acacias (Printemps)
Acacias (Printemps)

Acacias is made of layers of SVG elements in HTML5 with javascript taking advantage of SVG's scalability opacity features.

Each time the file loads the elements appear andomly at random sizes and positions. The image reloads itself every 20s. The whole file comes in at 10kb.

Acacias grow in my garden and excellent for burning. They tend to grow in clumps but you do get singles and collections of two or three fighting for survival.

The image will reload itself every few seconds and you will get a different composition every time. Think of it as lots of generative compositions in one piece. See a copy of it on this website here.

Hyperglyphs are a subseries working with flatness and vectors and moving away from pixel painting.

Acacias was off-chain using Arweave. See it on etherscan